shell php javascript


Kbin is a reddit-like content aggregator and micro-blogging platform for the fediverse.

This is a very early beta version, and a lot of features are currently broken or in active development, such as federation.


Get All magazines

curl ""
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.magazines.get();

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/magazine",
  "@id": "/api/magazines",
  "@type": "hydra:Collection",
  "hydra:member": [
      "@id": "/api/magazines/rust",
      "@type": "magazine",
      "user": {
        "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
        "@type": "user",
        "username": "ernest"
      "cover": {
        "@id": "/api/images/56",
        "@type": "image",
        "filePath": "08/8e/088e62b44d8a946015e2fb1378ef6866c3e1b059107b67e7391d7b1c7ca7c40b.jpg",
        "width": 2048,
        "height": 1024
      "name": "rust",
      "title": "rust",
      "description": null,
      "rules": null,
      "subscriptionsCount": 1,
      "entryCount": 1,
      "entryCommentCount": 0,
      "postCount": 0,
      "postCommentCount": 0,
      "isAdult": false
  "hydra:totalItems": 13

This endpoint retrieves all magazines.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Required Description
page 1 false


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
user object false
cover object true
name string false
title string false
description string true
rules string true
subscriptionsCount int false
entryCount int false
entryCommentCount int false
postCount int false
postCommentCount int false
isAdult bool fals

Get Single Magazine

curl "{magazine_name}"
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.magazines.get({magazine_name});

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/magazine",
  "@id": "/api/magazines/rust",
  "@type": "magazine",
  "user": {
    "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
    "@type": "user",
    "username": "ernest",
    "avatar": []
  "cover": {
    "@id": "/api/images/56",
    "@type": "image",
    "filePath": "08/8e/088e62b44d8a946015e2fb1378ef6866c3e1b059107b67e7391d7b1c7ca7c40b.jpg",
    "width": 2048,
    "height": 1024
  "name": "rust",
  "title": "rust",
  "description": null,
  "rules": null,
  "subscriptionsCount": 1,
  "entryCount": 1,
  "entryCommentCount": 0,
  "postCount": 0,
  "postCommentCount": 0,
  "isAdult": false

This endpoint retrieves a specific magazine.

HTTP Request


HTTP Request

Parameter Type Description
magazine_name string The name of magazine


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
user object false
cover object true
name string false
title string false
description string true
rules string true
subscriptionsCount int false
entryCount int false
entryCommentCount int false
postCount int false
postCommentCount int false
isAdult bool fals


Get All Entries

curl ""
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.entries.get();

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/entry",
  "@id": "/api/entries",
  "@type": "hydra:Collection",
  "hydra:member": [
      "@id": "/api/entries/39",
      "@type": "entry",
      "magazine": {
        "@id": "/api/magazines/polska",
        "@type": "magazine",
        "name": "polska"
      "user": {
        "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
        "@type": "user",
        "username": "ernest"
      "image": {
        "@id": "/api/images/62",
        "@type": "image",
        "filePath": "71/d5/71d5e6d075b8861a8a675c817f0592e40f65cbe3d5e4dd56c9eb4e52a9217a8c.jpg",
        "width": 480,
        "height": 360
      "domain": {
        "@id": "/api/domains/4",
        "@type": "domain",
        "name": ""
      "title": "Concert of the 1st Prize Laureate of the 18th Chopin Competition – BRUCE (XIAOYU) LIU",
      "url": "",
      "comments": 0,
      "uv": 0,
      "dv": 0,
      "isAdult": false,
      "views": 5,
      "score": 0,
      "visibility": "visible",
      "createdAt": "2021-10-26T19:15:57+00:00",
      "lastActive": "2021-10-26T19:15:57+00:00",
      "id": 39,
      "type": "link"
  "hydra:totalItems": 196,
  "hydra:view": {
    "@id": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=1",
    "@type": "hydra:PartialCollectionView",
    "hydra:first": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=1",
    "hydra:last": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=8",
    "hydra:next": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=2"

This endpoint retrieves all entries.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Required Description
page 1 false
magazine null false If the magazine does not exist, returns a list of all magazines.
sort hot false top / hot / newest / active / newest
time all false all / 6hours / 12hours / day / week / month / year


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
magazine object false
user object false
image object true
domain object true
title string false
url string true
comments int false
uv int false
dv int false
isAdult bool false
views int false
score int false
visibility string false visible / trashed
createdAt string false
lastActive string false
id int false
type string false link / article / video / image

Get Single Entry

curl "{id}"
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.entries.get({id});

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/entry",
  "@id": "/api/entries/39",
  "@type": "entry",
  "magazine": {
    "@id": "/api/magazines/polska",
    "@type": "magazine",
    "name": "polska"
  "user": {
    "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
    "@type": "user",
    "username": "ernest",
    "avatar": {
      "@id": "/api/images/54",
      "@type": "image",
      "filePath": "89/bf/89bf6b16d2516c0756275aacbc88f443c45076c554e3e19b132c3ffd9e8356ee.jpg",
      "width": 978,
      "height": 931
  "image": {
    "@id": "/api/images/62",
    "@type": "image",
    "filePath": "71/d5/71d5e6d075b8861a8a675c817f0592e40f65cbe3d5e4dd56c9eb4e52a9217a8c.jpg",
    "width": 480,
    "height": 360
  "domain": {
    "@id": "/api/domains/4",
    "@type": "domain",
    "name": "",
    "entryCount": 11
  "title": "Concert of the 1st Prize Laureate of the 18th Chopin Competition – BRUCE (XIAOYU) LIU",
  "url": "",
  "body": null,
  "comments": 0,
  "uv": 0,
  "dv": 0,
  "isAdult": false,
  "views": 5,
  "score": 0,
  "visibility": "visible",
  "createdAt": "2021-10-26T19:15:57+00:00",
  "lastActive": "2021-10-26T19:15:57+00:00",
  "id": 39,
  "type": "link"

This endpoint retrieves a specific entry.

HTTP Request


HTTP Request

Parameter Type Description
id int The ID of the entry to retrieve


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
magazine object false
user object false
image object true
domain object true
title string false
url string true
body string true
comments int false
uv int false
dv int false
isAdult bool false
views int false
score int false
visibility string false visible / trashed
createdAt string false
lastActive string false
id int false
type string false link / article / video / image

Get Entry Comments

curl "{id}/comments"
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.entries.get({id}).comments;

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/entry_comment",
  "@id": "/api/entry_comments",
  "@type": "hydra:Collection",
  "hydra:member": [
      "@id": "/api/entry_comments/1",
      "@type": "entry_comment",
      "magazine": {
        "@id": "/api/magazines/karabin",
        "@type": "magazine",
        "name": "karabin"
      "user": {
        "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
        "@type": "user",
        "username": "ernest",
        "avatar": {
          "@id": "/api/images/54",
          "@type": "image",
          "filePath": "89/bf/89bf6b16d2516c0756275aacbc88f443c45076c554e3e19b132c3ffd9e8356ee.jpg",
          "width": 978,
          "height": 931
      "entry": {
        "@id": "/api/entries/1",
        "@type": "entry",
        "title": " - polska instancja /kbin",
        "id": 1
      "parent": null,
      "root": null,
      "image": null,
      "body": " jest otwartym portalem agregującym treści (podobnym do reddita) oraz platformą do mikroblogowania przeznaczoną dla fediwersum.",
      "uv": 0,
      "dv": 0,
      "createdAt": "2021-09-12T08:00:27+00:00",
      "lastActive": "2021-10-25T15:35:28+00:00",
      "id": 1
  "hydra:totalItems": 1

This endpoint retrieves entry comments.

HTTP Request


HTTP Request

Parameter Type Description
id int The ID of the entry


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
magazine object false
user object false
parent object true
root object true
image object true
body string false
uv int false
dv int false
createdAt string false
lastActive string false
id int false


Get All comments

curl ""
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.comments.get();

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/entry_comment",
  "@id": "/api/entry_comments",
  "@type": "hydra:Collection",
  "hydra:member": [
      "@id": "/api/entry_comments/1",
      "@type": "entry_comment",
      "magazine": {
        "@id": "/api/magazines/karabin",
        "@type": "magazine",
        "name": "karabin"
      "user": {
        "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
        "@type": "user",
        "username": "ernest",
        "avatar": {
          "@id": "/api/images/54",
          "@type": "image",
          "filePath": "89/bf/89bf6b16d2516c0756275aacbc88f443c45076c554e3e19b132c3ffd9e8356ee.jpg",
          "width": 978,
          "height": 931
      "entry": {
        "@id": "/api/entries/1",
        "@type": "entry",
        "title": " - polska instancja /kbin",
        "id": 1
      "parent": null,
      "root": null,
      "image": null,
      "body": "Lorem ipsum",
      "uv": 0,
      "dv": 0,
      "createdAt": "2021-09-12T08:00:27+00:00",
      "lastActive": "2021-10-25T15:35:28+00:00",
      "id": 1
  "hydra:totalItems": 196,
  "hydra:view": {
    "@id": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=1",
    "@type": "hydra:PartialCollectionView",
    "hydra:first": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=1",
    "hydra:last": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=8",
    "hydra:next": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=2"

This endpoint retrieves all comments.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Required Description
page 1 false
magazine null false If the magazine does not exist, returns a list of all magazines.
sort hot false top / hot / newest / active / newest
time all false all / 6hours / 12hours / day / week / month / year


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
magazine object false
user object false
parent object true
root object true
image object true
body string false
uv int false
dv int false
createdAt string false
lastActive string false
id int false

Get Single Comment

curl "{id}"
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.comments.get({id});

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/entry_comment",
  "@id": "/api/entry_comments/1",
  "@type": "entry_comment",
  "magazine": {
    "@id": "/api/magazines/karabin",
    "@type": "magazine"
  "user": {
    "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
    "@type": "user"
  "parent": null,
  "root": null,
  "image": null,
  "body": "Lorem ipsum.",
  "uv": 0,
  "dv": 0,
  "createdAt": "2021-09-12T08:00:27+00:00",
  "lastActive": "2021-10-25T15:35:28+00:00",
  "id": 1

This endpoint retrieves a specific comment.

HTTP Request


HTTP Request

Parameter Type Description
id int The ID of the comment to retrieve


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
magazine object false
user object false
parent object true
root object true
image object true
body string false
uv int false
dv int false
createdAt string false
lastActive string false
id int false


Get All posts

curl ""
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.posts.get();

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/post",
  "@id": "/api/posts",
  "@type": "hydra:Collection",
  "hydra:member": [
      "@id": "/api/posts/1",
      "@type": "post",
      "magazine": {
        "@id": "/api/magazines/karabin",
        "@type": "magazine",
        "name": "karabin"
      "user": {
        "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
        "@type": "user",
        "username": "ernest",
        "avatar": {
          "@id": "/api/images/54",
          "@type": "image",
          "filePath": "89/bf/89bf6b16d2516c0756275aacbc88f443c45076c554e3e19b132c3ffd9e8356ee.jpg",
          "width": 978,
          "height": 931
      "image": null,
      "body": "Lorem ipsum",
      "isAdult": false,
      "comments": 2,
      "uv": 0,
      "dv": 0,
      "score": 0,
      "visibility": "visible",
      "createdAt": "2021-09-08T13:00:28+00:00",
      "lastActive": "2021-09-16T06:59:32+00:00",
      "bestComments": [
          "@id": "/api/post_comments/1",
          "@type": "post_comment",
          "user": {
            "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
            "@type": "user",
            "username": "ernest",
            "avatar": {
              "@id": "/api/images/54",
              "@type": "image",
              "filePath": "89/bf/89bf6b16d2516c0756275aacbc88f443c45076c554e3e19b132c3ffd9e8356ee.jpg",
              "width": 978,
              "height": 931
          "image": null,
          "body": "Lorem ipsum",
          "uv": 0,
          "createdAt": "2021-09-08T13:56:19+00:00",
          "lastActive": "2021-09-08T13:56:19+00:00",
          "id": 1
          "@id": "/api/post_comments/3",
          "@type": "post_comment",
          "user": {
            "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
            "@type": "user",
            "username": "ernest",
            "avatar": {
              "@id": "/api/images/54",
              "@type": "image",
              "filePath": "89/bf/89bf6b16d2516c0756275aacbc88f443c45076c554e3e19b132c3ffd9e8356ee.jpg",
              "width": 978,
              "height": 931
          "image": null,
          "body": "Lorem ipsum",
          "uv": 0,
          "createdAt": "2021-09-16T06:59:32+00:00",
          "lastActive": "2021-09-16T06:59:32+00:00",
          "id": 3
      "id": 1
  "hydra:totalItems": 196,
  "hydra:view": {
    "@id": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=1",
    "@type": "hydra:PartialCollectionView",
    "hydra:first": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=1",
    "hydra:last": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=8",
    "hydra:next": "/api/entries.jsonld?page=2"

This endpoint retrieves all posts.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Required Description
page 1 false
magazine null false If the magazine does not exist, returns a list of all magazines.
sort hot false top / hot / newest / active / newest
time all false all / 6hours / 12hours / day / week / month / year


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
magazine object false
user object false
image object true
body string false
isAdult bool false
comments int false
uv int false
dv int false
score int false
visibility int false
createdAt string false
lastActive string false
bestComments collection[reply] false
id int false

Get Single Post

curl "{id}"
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.posts.get({id});

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/post",
  "@id": "/api/posts/1",
  "@type": "post",
  "magazine": {
    "@id": "/api/magazines/karabin",
    "@type": "magazine",
    "name": "karabin"
  "user": {
    "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
    "@type": "user",
    "username": "ernest",
    "avatar": {
      "@id": "/api/images/54",
      "@type": "image",
      "filePath": "89/bf/89bf6b16d2516c0756275aacbc88f443c45076c554e3e19b132c3ffd9e8356ee.jpg",
      "width": 978,
      "height": 931
  "image": null,
  "body": "LoremIpsum",
  "isAdult": false,
  "comments": 2,
  "uv": 0,
  "dv": 0,
  "score": 0,
  "visibility": "visible",
  "createdAt": "2021-09-08T13:00:28+00:00",
  "lastActive": "2021-09-16T06:59:32+00:00",
  "id": 1

This endpoint retrieves a specific post.

HTTP Request


HTTP Request

Parameter Type Description
id int The ID of the post to retrieve


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
magazine object false
user object false
parent object true
root object true
image object true
body string false
uv int false
dv int false
createdAt string false
lastActive string false
id int false

Get Post Replies

curl "{id}/comments"
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.posts.get({id}).replies;

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/post",
  "@id": "/api/posts",
  "@type": "hydra:Collection",
  "hydra:member": [
      "@id": "/api/post_comments/1",
      "@type": "post_comment",
      "magazine": {
        "@id": "/api/magazines/karabin",
        "@type": "magazine",
        "name": "karabin"
      "user": {
        "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
        "@type": "user",
        "username": "ernest",
        "avatar": {
          "@id": "/api/images/54",
          "@type": "image",
          "filePath": "89/bf/89bf6b16d2516c0756275aacbc88f443c45076c554e3e19b132c3ffd9e8356ee.jpg",
          "width": 978,
          "height": 931
      "parent": null,
      "body": "test",
      "uv": 0,
      "createdAt": "2021-09-08T13:56:19+00:00",
      "lastActive": "2021-09-08T13:56:19+00:00",
      "id": 1

This endpoint retrieves post replies.

HTTP Request


HTTP Request

Parameter Type Description
id int The ID of the post


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
magazine object false
user object false
parent object true
body string false
uv int false
createdAt string false
lastActive string false
id int false


Get Single Reply

curl "{id}"
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

$response = $this->client->request(

$entries = $response->getContent();
import kbin from 'kbin-js-client';

let entries = kbin.replies.get({id});

The above command returns JSON-LD structured like this:

  "@context": "/api/contexts/post_comment",
  "@id": "/api/post_comments/1",
  "@type": "post_comment",
  "magazine": {
    "@id": "/api/magazines/karabin",
    "@type": "magazine"
  "user": {
    "@id": "/api/users/ernest",
    "@type": "user"
  "parent": null,
  "body": "test",
  "uv": 0,
  "createdAt": "2021-09-08T13:56:19+00:00",
  "lastActive": "2021-09-08T13:56:19+00:00",
  "id": 1

This endpoint retrieves a specific reply.

HTTP Request


HTTP Request

Parameter Type Description
id int The ID of the reply to retrieve


Field Type Nullable Description
@id string false
@type string false
magazine object false
user object false
parent object true
body string false
uv int false
createdAt string false
lastActive string false
id int false


Kbin API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
410 Gone
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.